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RT-Tester 6.0-6.0.1 now available (maintenance)

A maintenance release is now available for all supported platforms.
Consider updating if you are using Version 6.0-6.0.0 or older.

New Features

  1. Configuration or Project-Valid Requirements:

    • The project-global file requirements.csv defines the list of valid requirements; this allows it to include e.g., non-testable requirements in the overview;see Manual, section 14.6 “Coverage of Test-cases and Requirements”; implements #10818

    • added utility rtt_parse_csv (to evaluate requirements.csv file and possibly others)

  2. New Test-on-Target tcall keyword @noreturn:

  • The keyword @noreturn declares tcalls to be “fire-and-forget”, i.e., no reply is expected (implements #10469)


  1. Documentation (Manual):

    • Appendix (A) now contains an overview on important RT-Tester scripts and utilities (implements #11347)
  2. rtt-compile-test (rtt-gen-test, rtt-update-test):

    • Improved error message if command line cannot be matched:(a) report the offending argument also correctly, if it contains spaces(b) report how far it got in matching the path to the *.conf file

    • Also provide better “help” explanation on test identification, (also for rtt-run-test, rtt-doc-test); implements #11116

    • rttprep_rts: added sanity check for @included files (improves #11168)

    • allow more general C++-syntax (including name-spacing) inside @rttCall() (implements #11354)

  3. Test Execution with delayed file logging:

    • robustness: when writing log files during test termination, allow for multiple attempts to open the log file (implements #11538)
  4. Test Documentation (rtt-doc-test):

    • use same COMPILER evaluation mechanism as for rtt-compile-test (allows consistent setting as wished for by #10522)

    • when called with option --no-pdf, then ignore the TMPL settings: then rtt-doc-test is operative even if documentation templates are missing or misconfigured (implements #11566)

  5. Native 64bit support:

    • license management now uses 64bit libraries; this supports Linux native 64-bit also without 32-bit libraries installed (implements #11455)
  6. Format string robustness:

    • for [u]int64_t integers use consequently the PRIu64, PRId64 format directives instead of llu, lld (implements #11558)
  7. Test on Target:

    • robustness change in ‘rtt_receive_send_tgtstub.c’ (Adapter): in function ‘rtt_mux_recieve_remainder_scratch()’ discard buffers if they overflow without any newline (implements #8808)

8, Create Project

  • documentation templates (for module 0) now use utf8 encoding (robustness)


  1. Parallel compilation (rtt-compile-test):

    • skip moving of generated global stubs (*.c/*.h) files, if there are no changes wrt. global stubs (fixes #11244)
  2. Test execution (rtt-run-test):

    • fixed handing of SIGINT (user interrupt): now effectively terminates leftover rtt-test-case (fixes #10490)

    • portability: for checking of processes, always use “ps -u $USER” (fixes #11021)

  3. C++ Stub Syntax:

    • treat trailing C++-style comments with missing newline correctly (fixes #11357)

    • added inclusion of trailing const in SIG comment line, C++ relevant (fixes #10637)

  4. Documentation/Tracing (rtt-doc-test, rtt-get-tc-coverage):

    • utility rttrts2tab: corrected lexing of escaped characters like '\"' (fixes #11579)
  5. Signal Extension:

    • fixed locking on racing condition for read of queuing signals (only can occur sender and reader are on different LWPs) (fixes #10515)

    • fixed locking on racing condition for read of sampling signals (only can occur sender and reader are on different LWPs) (fixes #10520)

    • fixed possible corruption of modification list (problem only surfaces if signal changes are added to the modification list on one LWP and removed from the list on another LWP) (fixes #10770)

    • in rtt_filter_logsig, fixed handling of timestamp format overflow (part of fix to #10766)