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RT-Tester 6.0-6.3.0 now available (new feature)

A new feature release is now available for all supported platforms.
Consider updating if you are using Version 6.0-6.2.1 or older.

New Features

  1. Project Creation Features

    • The DEMO project (rtt-create-project -u DEMO) now contains a HTML index for all RTTL commands This allows to navigate from command description directly to the example usage location(s).

    • Option --rttui3 now opens readme/index files automatically

    • Project creation generates a symlink ${RTT_TESTCONTEXT}/.rttdir to the RT-Tester installation (implements #13528)

  2. Signal Extension Features

    • New utility rtt-expand-sigdef that transforms a *.csv-based signal definition file into a matching library (implements FR #13512)

    • @sigWaitFor[All]Val() now use service function rtt_is_almost_equal() for float comparison (implements #12239)

    • Include RTTsignal.h automatically, if appropriate (implements #8447)

  3. Format handling of fixed-width integers

    • RTTL command/stub/channel format strings now accept %PRI[diouxX]{8,16,32,64} as directives inside the format string (implements #13747) This allows to write platform independent test scripts, e.g., uint64_t v = f(); @printf("uint64: %PRIu64", v);


  1. Test Executable

    • The test executable now has the appropriate name ‘rtt-test-proc’ (implements #13295)
      for the outdated name (’rtt-test-case[.exe]’, might be used by testbed scripts), a wrapper is generated that still works, but adds the warning (to ) to update to the proper name

    • Adjusted evaluation of (optional) run-time limitation by command-line argument to rtt-test-proc and add test log entry explaining the termination (implements #13767)

    • For test abort on Windows (where there is no ‘killall’), added fallback for rtt-kill-test

  2. Test Case / Requirement Tracing (rttrts2tab):

    • robustness: do not accept string literals that contain a line break, terminate them with a warning (includes treatment of #13837)

    • robustness: use unified parser library for rtttagreqtable, rttrts2tab, rttreqtrc, rttrts2tags (implements #6519)

  3. Miscellaneous

    • Code signing now uses a new sign tool chain and supply two signatures (one for older and one for newer windows releases)

    • Improved test templates in default project template (in particular for test documentation, compare #13674)

    • Use more efficient sort algorithm for rtt_filter_logsig

    • Added TMS-situation to rt-tester-license-mgmt.pdf (see #13221)

    • rtt-swi-info: added query option --has-sigext (test for signal extension)


  1. Lexer / Parser

    • Parsing of *.rts files (rttprep_rts): corrected expansion of @sigIsQueuing() when used inside @rttAssert command (fixes #13749)
  2. Channel library

    • resolved clash of WaitFor rttMatchSequence clashes with other enumerating Filters attached to the same port (fixes #13619)
  3. Utilities

    • rttsockcat (this can be used to display test logs sent to UDP sockets): use UDP port as default, optionally use TCP/accept (fixes #13580)